Review: "Canterlot and Beyond" by Starlight Shadow

Welcome one and all once again to Famous Reviews!

Today, I get the privilege of reviewing a story by a good friend of mine: the ever-wonderful Starlight Shadow. The story in question is titled Canterlot and Beyond.

Let's do this!

Canterlot and Beyond

By: Starlight Shadow
Genre: Romance/Random
Status: Incomplete

Random stories that are usually less than a thousand words and are usually inspired by random stuff I don't even know why I'm inspired by. Also prompt tags.

Dat description though... It says it all! This story is a collection of random and cute short stories that her mind comes up with. That being said, reviewing based on story concept would prove pointless, so instead let's focus on mechanics and the like.

The Good

 What can I say? The grammar is great. The spelling is great. She spaces the paragraphs and uses correct punctuation. (Which is actually a huge problem in the fanfiction world.)

However, I think my favourite thing regarding this story, though, is the variety you get. I mean, there's cute stories, romantic ones, funny ones, and even a couple that fill you up with brief, but infectious d'aww feelings. And they're all fairly short, so it's not something you have to commit to. If you need a quick pony fix, bam, this story takes care of you.

Not to mention the first story is about  best pony forever Cloudchaser. Bonus points for that.

The Bad

This is where the review gets difficult.

I say that, because the things that one would consider bad about this fic are purely subjective. Like, I personally enjoy the short story chapters, but someone else might absolutely detest the idea, or have little interest in it. So, in light of that, I suppose I should warn this isn't a story that will appeal to everyone. It's not a deep, lengthy story, and doesn't necessarily convey a particular message or theme. But it's not trying to, so reader be warned.

Also, one may also find some of it a tad repetitive as far as writing style and such, which is to be expected to an extent.

I also noticed an alarming lack of purple and green dragon goodness, paragraph indention, but that's just my personal taste. It's not a problem, really.

The Bottom Line

I found this an enjoyable story to pick up. If you need a quick bundle of cuteness and pony to get you through your work break or give you some writing inspiration, jump on this one. But, I know that a lot of you won't find a whole lot of interest here, but you should check the author's other works in that case. She's got alotta goodies.


Content Sweetie Belle
Awarded for your score of 6.5, indicating reasonable effort, good attention to detail, and an overall enjoyable reading experience.

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